Salaam! I am, Shah Hussain Bangash Represent Online Soft Teach Company while here I will share step-by-step coding programming languages. We Invite those students who want to learn programming languages then should join us of the following links. Thanks Contact Us: +923025593765 Email: .

Thursday, April 25, 2019



Natural language processing, machine learning, supervised learning, deep learning, neural networks, word embeddings, recurrent neural networks, sequence to sequence models

Artificial Neural Networks or Connectionist--------->>

- To Develop a Machine that is capable of thinking like a human 

- Neural Means: What are the Neurons

- Network Means: How they are Connected

- Neuron Means Thing that holds a number ------>>> eg 0.2 or 05 etc.

- Neural Network: Input Layer + Hidden + Output + weights and Biases + Activation Function means sigmoid 

   Calculating the predicted output ลท, know as Feedforward

    Updating the weights and biases, know as backpropagation

Tool Use Machine Learning: Anaconda Python

- Machine Learning:  Technology + Engineering + Algorithms + Data + Network + Computer science + Artifical Intelligence.

- Connectionist System + Biological Neural Network

- ANN is not algorithm + Many different Machine Learning Algorithm work together and process complex date inputs.

- Any task-specific rules & regulation of (ANN)

- ANN collection of connected units or nodes called artificial neurons.

- Each connection, like the synapses in a biological brain, can transmit information, a 'single' form one artificial neuron to another.

- An interconnected group of nodes + Brain of network + Each circle node represents Artificial Neuron + Arrow is connection + Input and Output, Hidden Layer 

- Sum of Inputs + Connection called edges + Weights ----> increase and decrease straight of single at the connection.

- Single travel first layer to the last layer means the output

- ANN used variety fo tasks including computer vision, speech recognition, machine translation, social network, filtering, playing board, and video games and medical diagnoses.

Chapter 1

- Def Machine Learning = Algorithm + Statistical Models Analysis + input + output 

-  Training Data ------>  Mathematical Model + Maths Calculation + Study of construction of alg + Multiple datsets results + validation dataset + Hyper-parameter + Regulationzation + Over-Fitting, Under Fitting + ill-posed prblem + Test dataset + holdout datset .

- Machine Learning Tasks: Supervised Learning + Semi-Supervised Learning + Classification Algorithm + Unsupervised Algorithm.

- Active Learning Algorithm + Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, + Meta-Learning Algorithm + Robot Learning Alg.

- Machine Learning: Process and Techniques ------->>  Feature Learning + Sparse dictionary learning + Anomaly detection + Decision trees + association rules.

- Machine Learning Models: ANN + Deep Learning + Support Vector Machines + Bayesian Network + Genetic Algorithm

- Evolutionary Algorithms: Evolutionary computation + Meta-Heuristic Algorithm + optimization alg + stochastic optimization +  combinatrial optimization + Swarm Alg + Ant colony otimization + Artifical bee colony alg + Cuckoo Search alg + Particle Swar optimization 

- Meta- Heuristic Alg + Hunting search + Adaptive dimensiaonl search + Firefly alg + Harmoney search + Guassion adaptation + memetic alg + Emperor penguines colongy

- Biase-Variance Tradeoff: Function complexity and amount of training date + Dimensionality fo the input space + Noise in the output 

- Bais + Forward Propagation & Back Propagation + Activation Function -----> Sigmoid Function

- PSO Algorithm + Bat Algorithm + Grey Wolf Algorithm + Dolphin Algorithm + Genetic Alg + Hinting Alg +

- What is Intelligence? What is AI? What is Machine L

It can be described as the ability to gather information and to retain it as knowledge to be applied in some situation. Intelligence comes from the capacity of logic + Understand the things + self-awareness + Learning + Emotional Knowledge + Reasoning + Planning + Creativity + Problem Solving.

- The simple words, it is the capability of a machine to mimic intelligent human behavior + Weak and strong AI

What does a machine need to be an Intelligent

1. Perception: Understanding Images, Audio, etc.

2. Reasoning: Answering questions from data

3. Planning: Inferring the required steps to reach a goal 

4. Natural Language Procession - Understanding human language

The Biggest Challenges Facing Artifical Intelligence

- Create Model Learn Faster

- Accurate Response + Recurrent Connections + Memory Storages

- Convert Speech to Text form + AI Identify this is a pen thin or fit, dog, cat, school

- Statistics reveal that 55% of survey respondents felt the biggest challenges was the changing score of human jobs when everything will be automated.

Optimization ALgorithms:

Some Examples of optimization algorithms include:



The activation function determines the output a node will generate, based upon its input. The activation function is set at the layer level and applies to all neurons in that layer.


The Machine Learning Algorithm List Includes:

1. Linear Regression 2. Logistic Regression 3. Support Vector Machines 4. Random Forest 5. Naive Bayes Classification 6. Ordinary Least Square Regression 7. K-means 8. Ensemble Methods 9. Apriori Algorithm 10. Principal Component Analysis 11. Singular Value Decomposition  12. Reinforcement or Semi-Supervised Machine Learning 13. Independent Component Analysis

Deep Neural Networks for Text Classification

The Challenges of Natural Language Processing?

- NLP is the field of Design methods & Algorithms to take input and generate output.

- Challenge 1: (consider the sentence I ate pizza with friends, and compare it to I ate pizza with olives)

- Set of rules for challenging tasks & readers can easily categorize a document into its topic, Language is symbolic and discrete.

- words—there is no simple operation that will allow us to move from the word “red” to the word “pink” color of words. A phrase can be larger than the meaning of the individual words.

Classification: Words + Sentence + Phrase + Video + Image?

1 Text Classification

Breast Cancer Research Tasks?

- Site Using in Research: 1 Sci-Hub    2 Kaggle   3 Dataset Research  4 Google Scholar 

Breast Cancer

- Describe quantitive mass-spectrometry 

- Based on Proteomic and phosphoproteomic Analysis of 105 genomically annotated breast cancer. 

- 77 Higi Quality data + Chromosomal Loss --------- Make DNA and Protein

- SQ trans + CETN2 and SkIP 

- What are Proteins + Clusters and Pathway analysis +  Identify mRNA Level  + Other also associated to identify 

- Genome in cancer + what is Tumor? + Four principles MRNA- define breast cancer intrinsic subtypes. + Analysis of 105 breast tumor.

- Total Proteins 15,369 + 12,405 Genes and Phosphosites 62,679 + 11,632 Proteins per tumor. + Total 90,806 + DNA 84,667 + RNA 54,201 Somatic variants  + proteome variants 

- Direct Effects of genomic alternations on Proteins level?  

     RNA and DNA  + Protein Expression of breast-cancer relevant genses across tumor  + Frequently detected and differential phosphorite ration show for each gene.

We observed at the peptide level by searching MS / MS Spectra + Database + Amino acid level with current technologies  

- Proteins: Give Food to child + Protein make a body of human + Amnesty ----- Structure ---- 1 Corbaorail Group 2 Hydron 3 Amion group 4 Alcoyal Group 

- Peptide: Bands b/w proteins called peptide 

- Spectrometric: Measure radiation  + - Proteome: Hydrogen Isotop, Cellular ---- means multiple cells

- Composition and Structure + Genes + Living Cell + Protegenomics ----> is a field of biology.

- Tumors: When cells become increase then made tumors.

-What is DNA and RNA: DNA Means Deoxyribonucleic Acid  OR RNA Means Ribounucle Acid

DNA --- Replicates, and stores genetic information. It is a blueprint for all genetic information contained within an organism.  

RNA: Converts the genetic information contained within DNA to a format used to build proteins, and then moves it to ribosomal protein factories.

- What's New in Breast Cancer Research?

1 Breast Cancer Causes   2  Causes and treatment of metastatic breast cancer   3  Reducing breast cancer risks 

- Scientists trained a computer to classify breast cancer tumors

288 Images to test a computer's ability to distinguish features of the tumor + Computer test sperate genes

- Classification Based on Breast cancer types 

1   Classification based on breast cancer stage    2    Classification based on breast gene Expression     3  Classification based on tumor


     #Train/Test Split and Cross Validation in Python

     # linear regression in Python
     #Pandas — to load the data file as a Pandas data frame and analyze the data. 
     #From Sklearn, I’ve imported the datasets module, so I can load a sample dataset, 
     #and the linear_model, so I can run a linear regression
     #From Matplotlib I’ve imported pyplot in order to plot graphs of the data


--------->>>> AdMob is a Mobile Advertising Company 

Founded by Hamoui. It was incorporated on April 10, 2016

- Today I want to know about Google Play Policies to Create Trusted App

Review the Policy Center                 

2 Describe Your App Appropriately

3 Use Images you have the rights to     

4 Rate your app accurately- Handle user data with care           

5 Make sure ads in your app are policy compliant

6 Don't forget the restricted content policy

7 Update your email preferences               

8 Fix and Policy issues found in a review- Reach out to us for support


1 Review the Policy Center

- Adult Contain not Allowed (Sexual Abuse Imagery) Delete the Google Account

- Hate Speech - Like Religion, Disability, Age, Nationality, Veteran Status, Sexual, Gender other

- Violence - or Violent Threats, Self-harm, Suicide, Eating disorders, etc.

- Sensitive Events + Bullying Harassment + Dangerous Products

- We don't allow cryptocurrency on devices + Not Allow Binary Option

-  Restricted Content + Impersonation and intellectual Property + Monetization and Ads + Store Listing and Promotion + Spam and Minimum Functionality +  Other Programs + Families and COPPA + Other Programs + Families and COPPA + . Enforcement + Updates and other Resources.

Monetization and Ads

- Google Play supports a variety of fo monetization strategies to benefits developers and users including paid distribution, in-app products, subscription, and ad-based models.

- Deceptive Ads + LockScreen Monetization + Disruptive Ads + Interfering with apps, third-party ads, device functionality + Inappropriate Ads + Usage of Android Advertising Ads.

Online Soft Teach Services

Anyone Need...
1. App Reviews
2. App Downloads
3. Google Map Reviews
4. Website Reviews
5. Facebook Reviews6. Trust Pilot Reviews7. Trip Advisor Reviews8. Zomato Reviews9. Just Dial Reviews10. All Types Reviews AvailableOnly Paid Promotion
I have 3500+ Team Members
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WhatsApp & Contact Number : +923025593765

How to Upload App to Play Store Steps 2019

- Go to Google Console + Create Application + Title of the App + Short description + Full description + Icons + Banner + Promo Graphics --> Optional + Screenshots + Video link of YouTube + Contact Details --> website, Email, Phone Number + . Alpha, Beta, Prodcuation --> Click here + Supported devices + Version select + Publish click + After 2 hourse you app will be publish.   

Sunday, April 21, 2019


Adobe Premiere Pro CC 

- Use for Video Editing means Errors remove during the shooting video
- Video Editing Consists of Audio + Images + Fonts
- Why Video Editing Necessary
- Flim Making 
-Be Master One Thing 

Friday, April 19, 2019


Blogging Business Plan?
Optimizing the Marketing

Blog Source of Earning

- Adsense +  Amazon Affiliate Marketing+ ClickBank + + Ad Network + Direct Advertisements + Pain Reviews / Sponsored Posts + Sell Digital Projects (eBooks, Blueprints ) + Launch an Online Course + Offer Online Consulting of Business Tips and Tricks

Popular Affiliate Marketing Marketplace

- Amazon Affiliate Program + ShareASale + ParnterStack + ImpactRadius + Awin + Commission Junction 

Sponsored Reviews (All Level)

- Paid Reviews are a great way to boost your monthly income.

- When doing paid reviews, there are a few things which you need to take care of ----------> Paid Review: Good, Bad, Or Ugly + Should you do a paid review or a Free Review.

  Few Websites to find paid Reviews/ Sponsored content opportunities

- Famebit (For YouTube Channels)    + Izea Pay Per Post + Tomoson  + Revcontent 

What should I blog about to make money?

Passion + Traffic and Trend + Monetization + Competition 

Effective Business Plan for Bloggers

1. Mission + 2. Brand Name + 3. Goals and Objectives 4. SWOT Analysis 
Strengthen + Weaknesses + Opportunities + Threats + Financial Planning

How will you receive Blogging payment?

Your advertisers could be sitting at a different part of the world and there are 5 popular ways by which you can receive payment from all over the world. These are also popular ways by which these companies pay.
Some of the popular topic for this kind of blogging is?

  • Lifestyle + Fashion + Travel + Motivation + Entertainment
Producing video content (Recording, editing, and publishing) is time and money intensive, whereas creating text content & both the technique will help you to grow faster and start significant earning sooner.

Blogging Contents in Sections

รผ Traffics Generator Methods + รผ Hottest Topics for Blogging
รผ 27 Ways Earning Online Money + รผ Top Marketing Tips and Tricks + รผ Research New Ideas Tips and Tricks + รผ Most Useful Methods People Earn Money Through Blog + รผ Top Blogger Personalities Worldwide +  Top Pakistani Blogger Personalities +  Top India Blogger Personalities + Top USA Blogger Personalities +Top Germany Blogger Personalities
รผ The World’s 50 Most Powerful Blogs
Traffic Generator Methods

- Bring New Ideas + Make Planning + Most Learn SEO Techniques and Rules + Know All the traffics methods to increase audience + Target Population + Consider marketing strategies + Research + Infographics + Social Networks + Webinars + Documents Sharing + Podcasting + Quality Sites + Social Bookmarking + Forums + Online Video + Blogs + Blogging + News and Media + SMS + Players + Online Ads + Homepage + Landing Page + About Us + Privacy Policy + Testimonials + Ebook

Hottest Topics for Blogging 

- Shah Hussain Bangash Blog + Health & Fitness Blog + make Money Online Blog + Beauty and Travelling Blog + Blogging + Affiliate Marketing + Digital Marketing + Weight Lost Training Tips and Tricks also Treatment  + Latest Technologies Information Blog

Ways Online Earning Money Though Online

- Blogging + YouTube + Freelancer + Fiverr+ UpWork + People per Hour + Udemy + Own Sell Online Course + Academy + IStock Images + Android Apps Play Store + IOS Apps Store + Games Assets Store + Local Project & International Projects + Sell Social Media Traffics + Sell Business Tips How to start successful business + Sell Graphics & Animation

Top Marketing Tips and Tricks

- Digital Marketing + Email Marketing + Infographics Marketing + Content Marketing + Social Media Marketing + Video Promotional Marketing + Online Marketing + Outbound & Inbound Marketing + Article Marketing + Relationship Marketing + Intenet Marketing + Mobile App Marketing + Brand Marketing + Call Center Marketing + Channel Marketing + Gaming Marketing + Pay-per-click Marketing + Paid Advertisement         Like Facebook / Google Traffics

·      Digital Marketing

-       Definition: Any Marketing through electronics devices is called digital Marketing
-       Example         Mobile Phones / IPad / Computer / Laptop etc.
-       High Computation throughout the world
-       Become Very Popular in throughout the world

·      Email Marketing

-       Definition : Email Marketing is the targeting of
Section 5

Research New Ideas Tips & Tricks

ร˜  Google
ร˜  YouTube
ร˜  Around The People
ร˜  Identifying Problems

Section 6

Most Useful Methods People Earn Money Through Blog

ร˜  Ads
ร˜  Affiliate Marketing Ads & Products Promotions

Section 7

Top Blogger Personalities Worldwide

Pakistani Blogger Personalities Lists 2018

ร˜  Muhammad Mustafa Ahmadzai

-       Select Best them for blog Always
-       Register Company with “STC Network “
-        Blogging Career Starting 2008
-       Five employee work with Ahmadzai
-       SEO Expert
-       Current lives in Karachi
-       Earning using BuySellAds and Products Reviews
-       Premium AdSense Publishers
-       SEO Consultancy worldwide
-       Alexa Worldwide Rank 31,400
-       Alexa Pakistan Rank   400
-       Google Page Rank   5
-       Alexa Backlinks   4831
-       Monthly Earning $5000 to $10000

ร˜  Amir Atta

-       Website
-       Pure Pakistani Telecommunication Blog
-       Provide resources and Tutorials, News on IT happing in Pakistan
-       Earning displaying Google AdSense Ads and direct ads
-       Share Information about Technologies in Pakistan

-       Alexa World Wide Rank: 9,159
-       Alexa PK Rank: 86
-       Google Page Rank: 4
-       Alexa Backlinks: 700
-       Est. Monthly Earning: $4000 to $8000


What is a Search Engine?What is SEO? Why SEO Important?

Google Algorithms Introduction + Why Google Release new algorithms Updates? + How to Start SEO Project + How to Increase CTR 

Blog Packages -

ร˜  Per Word Charges  1 $ /-
ร˜  Content or Articles [500 words] with  promotions on Social – 22$/-
ร˜  Blog Promotions starts at 10/- $  [5 days] Per articles
SEO Centric Content will be provided [After keyword research] 

Graphics Designing -

ร˜  Logo Designing  Starts at 12 /- $ Max up to 2,000 $/-
ร˜  Emailer Designing Starts at – 10/- $ and ranges up to 28/- $
ร˜  HTML Emailer at 35/- $
ร˜  Social Posts Designing Starts at 10/- $
ร˜  Broachers/ Leaflet/ Flyers starts at 10 /- $ up to 20/- $
ร˜  Videography  with Edit starts at 100/- $
ร˜  Product Photo shoots with edit [100] – 115/- $
Animated Video starts at 1500/- $

Influencer Marketing -

ร˜  Social Engagement starts at  3 $ [FB & Insta]
ร˜  10 Instagram Profiles with 50k – 100k followers posting Starts at 500$
ร˜  Video Posts or Product shoots with 100k Followers starts at 30,000 INR
ร˜  Influence Strategy, Content Curating, Ideation, Brand Management [Complimentary]
 Note: Social media platforms will be unlimited in the package I & II & basic package includes only Facebook & Instagram promotions. There will be a separate budget for Facebook & Insta ads.

SEO Contents

- What is SEO + Off Page SEO + ON Page SEO + Website Production Elements + SEO Traffics + First Page Rank in Google +  SEO Tips and Tricks +  Social Network

Section 1:   SEO Basics

- Why SEO is Important + How to generate Traffics through SEO +  How to get the first-page rank in Google + Links Building + Sitemap Optimization + Software Development + Web Design + . Feeback + Strategies + Socila Network + Content + Traffic mentoring + Ranking + Website Optimization + Canoical Issues & Canoical tag + Rich Snippts +

Section 2: OFF Page SEO

- Keywords Research + Articles + Blogs + Forums + Social + Advertising + PR Sites

Section 3: ON Page SEO

- Titles + Description +  Keywords + Image Tags + Quality Content + . SEO Friendly URL

Section 4: Website Production Elements

- Design + Back End + Front End + Security + Page Speed + Domain & Hosting + Layout + Colors + Pictures + Fonts + Graphics + Database + . CMS + Editors + Admin + Technolgies + User Interface + Code + Responsive Design + Naviagtion 

Section 5: Marketing & Tips 

- SEM + SMM + Affiliate Marketing + Digital Marketing + Social Media Marketing + Email Marketing + Infographics Marketing + Content Marketing + Bound & Inbound Marketing etc.

Section 6: Tools & Plugins for SEO 

- Google Webmaster Tool + Bing Webmaster Tool + Yandex Webmaster + Yoast Plugins Wordpress + Most Learn Wordpress 

- Yoast Plugins: Configure ideal Setting + Research Focus Keywords + Optimize content (for keywords) + Internal Links + Redirect Management Option + 
- Plugins Name: Google Site Kit (Beta) + WP Review Pro + Easy Table of Contents + Automatic Image Alt Attributes + Broken Linker Checker + Quick Page / Post Redirect + Republic Old Posts + Yoast Premium Plugins + Wp Rocket + Speed Optimaztion plugins + Analytify + Really Simple SSL + Better Search Replace +Anit-Spam + WP Goolge my Business Auto Publish + Other SEO Tools + All in One Schem +

Section 7: Amazon Earning & Tips and Tricks

- Social Ads Management + Google Adverts Management + Graphics for Social & Google + Professional Content + Influencer Marketing Management + Online PR Management + Affiliate Marketing Management + SEO Activities 

- Social Media Marketing + Social Media Strategies + Brand Building Ideation + Content Strategies + Social Media Graphics + Quick Replies to clients + Keywords Anaylsis + Site mapping + Live Chat Support Feature + Google Map + Contact Forms & Leading Forms 

1 User Behavior Improvment 

- Quality Links word + Reputation + Regular Feed to Google + Average time spent on website + page per visit + Bounce rate improvement 

2 Website Improvement 

- Website Speed Optimzation + Website Crawl Errors + Backlinks & Linking Root Domain + On Page Elements 

3 Keywords Ranking Improvement 

- Targeting Keywords Ranking  + Achive First Page Results + Rank Above Competition + Device Based Ranking 

4 Stand out from the crowed with cutout character 

- Boosts Your Project to the next Level with cutout characters. Each character comes with multiple poses, poses, and emotion 

Website Analysis + Keyword Research + Content Optimization + SEO Submission + Link Building 


Better Crawling + Good User Experience + Improvment in Keyword Ranking + Plagiarism Check 

Keywords Check Density + Anchor Text Optimization + W3C Validation Check + Website Speed Test  

- Url Parameter - Fine + Meta title - Found. (Good) + Meta description - Found (Good) + H1 tag - used + Sitemap - Found (not Good) + Loading speed - 2.24 seconds (Excellent) + Keywords - Found ( not placed in content) + Content - Fresh ( but limited) + Page Authority - 0/100 + Domain authority - 0/100Alt - Missing + Responsive - Yes + Usability - Good External LinksNo Follow: 8 (89%)  Current Rank adgm free zone - +60 DIFC freezone - not under 400  shams free zone - not under 400rak free zone  - not under 400uae mainland company-not under 400offshore company - Not under 400and so many keywords by which it is not ranking.

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Who I am?

Software Engg Shah Hussain Bangash represents Furthermore, where I will share advanced level technologies solutions. Shah Hussain basically belongs to District Hangu in Peshawar Pakistan. As a software engineer, I have worked on different technologies and platforms in software companies. First of all, my objective is to practice my knowledge to build my professional career by learning from experts. I developed many projects for Freelancer & UpWork clients. Hence various programming language, which I will explain below and write the project names.