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Thursday, April 25, 2019



Natural language processing, machine learning, supervised learning, deep learning, neural networks, word embeddings, recurrent neural networks, sequence to sequence models

Artificial Neural Networks or Connectionist--------->>

- To Develop a Machine that is capable of thinking like a human 

- Neural Means: What are the Neurons

- Network Means: How they are Connected

- Neuron Means Thing that holds a number ------>>> eg 0.2 or 05 etc.

- Neural Network: Input Layer + Hidden + Output + weights and Biases + Activation Function means sigmoid 

   Calculating the predicted output ŷ, know as Feedforward

    Updating the weights and biases, know as backpropagation

Tool Use Machine Learning: Anaconda Python

- Machine Learning:  Technology + Engineering + Algorithms + Data + Network + Computer science + Artifical Intelligence.

- Connectionist System + Biological Neural Network

- ANN is not algorithm + Many different Machine Learning Algorithm work together and process complex date inputs.

- Any task-specific rules & regulation of (ANN)

- ANN collection of connected units or nodes called artificial neurons.

- Each connection, like the synapses in a biological brain, can transmit information, a 'single' form one artificial neuron to another.

- An interconnected group of nodes + Brain of network + Each circle node represents Artificial Neuron + Arrow is connection + Input and Output, Hidden Layer 

- Sum of Inputs + Connection called edges + Weights ----> increase and decrease straight of single at the connection.

- Single travel first layer to the last layer means the output

- ANN used variety fo tasks including computer vision, speech recognition, machine translation, social network, filtering, playing board, and video games and medical diagnoses.

Chapter 1

- Def Machine Learning = Algorithm + Statistical Models Analysis + input + output 

-  Training Data ------>  Mathematical Model + Maths Calculation + Study of construction of alg + Multiple datsets results + validation dataset + Hyper-parameter + Regulationzation + Over-Fitting, Under Fitting + ill-posed prblem + Test dataset + holdout datset .

- Machine Learning Tasks: Supervised Learning + Semi-Supervised Learning + Classification Algorithm + Unsupervised Algorithm.

- Active Learning Algorithm + Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, + Meta-Learning Algorithm + Robot Learning Alg.

- Machine Learning: Process and Techniques ------->>  Feature Learning + Sparse dictionary learning + Anomaly detection + Decision trees + association rules.

- Machine Learning Models: ANN + Deep Learning + Support Vector Machines + Bayesian Network + Genetic Algorithm

- Evolutionary Algorithms: Evolutionary computation + Meta-Heuristic Algorithm + optimization alg + stochastic optimization +  combinatrial optimization + Swarm Alg + Ant colony otimization + Artifical bee colony alg + Cuckoo Search alg + Particle Swar optimization 

- Meta- Heuristic Alg + Hunting search + Adaptive dimensiaonl search + Firefly alg + Harmoney search + Guassion adaptation + memetic alg + Emperor penguines colongy

- Biase-Variance Tradeoff: Function complexity and amount of training date + Dimensionality fo the input space + Noise in the output 

- Bais + Forward Propagation & Back Propagation + Activation Function -----> Sigmoid Function

- PSO Algorithm + Bat Algorithm + Grey Wolf Algorithm + Dolphin Algorithm + Genetic Alg + Hinting Alg +

- What is Intelligence? What is AI? What is Machine L

It can be described as the ability to gather information and to retain it as knowledge to be applied in some situation. Intelligence comes from the capacity of logic + Understand the things + self-awareness + Learning + Emotional Knowledge + Reasoning + Planning + Creativity + Problem Solving.

- The simple words, it is the capability of a machine to mimic intelligent human behavior + Weak and strong AI

What does a machine need to be an Intelligent

1. Perception: Understanding Images, Audio, etc.

2. Reasoning: Answering questions from data

3. Planning: Inferring the required steps to reach a goal 

4. Natural Language Procession - Understanding human language

The Biggest Challenges Facing Artifical Intelligence

- Create Model Learn Faster

- Accurate Response + Recurrent Connections + Memory Storages

- Convert Speech to Text form + AI Identify this is a pen thin or fit, dog, cat, school

- Statistics reveal that 55% of survey respondents felt the biggest challenges was the changing score of human jobs when everything will be automated.

Optimization ALgorithms:

Some Examples of optimization algorithms include:



The activation function determines the output a node will generate, based upon its input. The activation function is set at the layer level and applies to all neurons in that layer.


The Machine Learning Algorithm List Includes:

1. Linear Regression 2. Logistic Regression 3. Support Vector Machines 4. Random Forest 5. Naive Bayes Classification 6. Ordinary Least Square Regression 7. K-means 8. Ensemble Methods 9. Apriori Algorithm 10. Principal Component Analysis 11. Singular Value Decomposition  12. Reinforcement or Semi-Supervised Machine Learning 13. Independent Component Analysis

Deep Neural Networks for Text Classification

The Challenges of Natural Language Processing?

- NLP is the field of Design methods & Algorithms to take input and generate output.

- Challenge 1: (consider the sentence I ate pizza with friends, and compare it to I ate pizza with olives)

- Set of rules for challenging tasks & readers can easily categorize a document into its topic, Language is symbolic and discrete.

- words—there is no simple operation that will allow us to move from the word “red” to the word “pink” color of words. A phrase can be larger than the meaning of the individual words.

Classification: Words + Sentence + Phrase + Video + Image?

1 Text Classification

Breast Cancer Research Tasks?

- Site Using in Research: 1 Sci-Hub    2 Kaggle   3 Dataset Research  4 Google Scholar 

Breast Cancer

- Describe quantitive mass-spectrometry 

- Based on Proteomic and phosphoproteomic Analysis of 105 genomically annotated breast cancer. 

- 77 Higi Quality data + Chromosomal Loss --------- Make DNA and Protein

- SQ trans + CETN2 and SkIP 

- What are Proteins + Clusters and Pathway analysis +  Identify mRNA Level  + Other also associated to identify 

- Genome in cancer + what is Tumor? + Four principles MRNA- define breast cancer intrinsic subtypes. + Analysis of 105 breast tumor.

- Total Proteins 15,369 + 12,405 Genes and Phosphosites 62,679 + 11,632 Proteins per tumor. + Total 90,806 + DNA 84,667 + RNA 54,201 Somatic variants  + proteome variants 

- Direct Effects of genomic alternations on Proteins level?  

     RNA and DNA  + Protein Expression of breast-cancer relevant genses across tumor  + Frequently detected and differential phosphorite ration show for each gene.

We observed at the peptide level by searching MS / MS Spectra + Database + Amino acid level with current technologies  

- Proteins: Give Food to child + Protein make a body of human + Amnesty ----- Structure ---- 1 Corbaorail Group 2 Hydron 3 Amion group 4 Alcoyal Group 

- Peptide: Bands b/w proteins called peptide 

- Spectrometric: Measure radiation  + - Proteome: Hydrogen Isotop, Cellular ---- means multiple cells

- Composition and Structure + Genes + Living Cell + Protegenomics ----> is a field of biology.

- Tumors: When cells become increase then made tumors.

-What is DNA and RNA: DNA Means Deoxyribonucleic Acid  OR RNA Means Ribounucle Acid

DNA --- Replicates, and stores genetic information. It is a blueprint for all genetic information contained within an organism.  

RNA: Converts the genetic information contained within DNA to a format used to build proteins, and then moves it to ribosomal protein factories.

- What's New in Breast Cancer Research?

1 Breast Cancer Causes   2  Causes and treatment of metastatic breast cancer   3  Reducing breast cancer risks 

- Scientists trained a computer to classify breast cancer tumors

288 Images to test a computer's ability to distinguish features of the tumor + Computer test sperate genes

- Classification Based on Breast cancer types 

1   Classification based on breast cancer stage    2    Classification based on breast gene Expression     3  Classification based on tumor


     #Train/Test Split and Cross Validation in Python

     # linear regression in Python
     #Pandas — to load the data file as a Pandas data frame and analyze the data. 
     #From Sklearn, I’ve imported the datasets module, so I can load a sample dataset, 
     #and the linear_model, so I can run a linear regression
     #From Matplotlib I’ve imported pyplot in order to plot graphs of the data


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Who I am?

Software Engg Shah Hussain Bangash represents Furthermore, where I will share advanced level technologies solutions. Shah Hussain basically belongs to District Hangu in Peshawar Pakistan. As a software engineer, I have worked on different technologies and platforms in software companies. First of all, my objective is to practice my knowledge to build my professional career by learning from experts. I developed many projects for Freelancer & UpWork clients. Hence various programming language, which I will explain below and write the project names.