Salaam! I am, Shah Hussain Bangash Represent Online Soft Teach Company while here I will share step-by-step coding programming languages. We Invite those students who want to learn programming languages then should join us of the following links. Thanks Contact Us: +923025593765 Email: .

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


How to Earning Money through Graphics Design

- Fiverr + Freelancer + 99Designs + Devaintart + Dreamstime + Shutterstock + Vectorstock

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Android Apps Development Course Contents 

- Android: Open Source and Linux-Base OS for Mobile Devices. Android was Developed by The Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies.

- The First Beta Version of (SDK) Software Development Kit released by Google in 2007. First Commercial version released 2008. 2012 Google Released Jelly Bean. 

- Why Android: Open Source + Larger Developer and Community Reach + Increased Marketing + Inter-app integration + Reduce the cost of development + Higher Success Ratio + Rich Development Environment 

- Android FeatureBeautiful UI + Connectivity + Storage + Media Support +  Messaging + Web Browser + Multi-Touch + Multi-tasking + Multi-Language.

Android ApplicationDeveloped in Java Language using software development kit + Every day more than 1 Million new Android devices are activated worldwide. 

- Categories of Android Application: Music + Sports + News + Multimedia + Lifestyle + Food & Drink + Travel + Weather + Books + Business + Reference + Navigation + Social media + Utilities + Finance etc.  

History of Android: Donut + Eclair + Froyo + Gingerbread + Honeycomb + ice cream sandwich + Jelly bean + Kitkit + Lolipop + Marshmallow etc.

- API: Application Programming Interface --- Integer Value that uniquely identifies 

- Android Environment Setup: Operating System + JDK + Android Studio 

Android Architecture

Android Libraries: + Android . Content + Android . Database + Android . OpenGL + Android . OS + Android . Text + Android Widgets

- Application Frameworks: Android Activity + Content Providers + Resource Manager + Notification Manager + View System Notification in Android Studio

- Application Components: Activities + Services + Broadcast Recivers + Content Provider

- Additional Components: Fragments + Views + Layouts + Intents + Resources + Minifest

- Android Directory & Resources Type: Anim + Colors + Drawable + Layout + Menu + Raw + Values + XML

- Android Values: Simple Values means Integer + String + Bool + Char + Double

Android Activity Life Cycle 

- Android Values: What is AVD | What is Logcat Window + 

- Services: Started + Bound 

Android Service Life Cycle 

- Broadcast Receivers: Creating Broadcast Receivers + Broadcast Custom Intents

Sr.NoEvent Constant & Description
Sticky broadcast containing the charging state, level, and other information about the battery.
Indicates low battery condition on the device.
Indicates the battery is now okay after being low.
This is broadcast once after the system has finished booting.
Show activity for reporting a bug.
Perform a call to someone specified by the data.
The user pressed the "call" button to go to the dialer or other appropriate UI for placing a call.
The date has changed.
Have the device reboot.

- Content Providers: Supplies data from one application to others on request. A Content Provider can use different ways to store its data and the data can be stored in a database, in files, or even over a network.

Content URITo query a content provider, you specify the query string in the form of a URI which has the following format

 Prefix + Authority + data_type + ID

Create a Content Provider: 

content provider


  • --- >  Fragments 

  • Fragment is a piece of an activity which enable more modular activity design. It will not be wrong if we say, a fragment is a kind of sub-activity.

Following are important points about fragment −
  • A fragment has its own layout and its own behaviour with its own life cycle callbacks.
  • You can add or remove fragments in an activity while the activity is running.
  • You can combine multiple fragments in a single activity to build a multi-pane UI.
  • A fragment can be used in multiple activities.
  • Fragment life cycle is closely related to the life cycle of its host activity which means when the activity is paused, all the fragments available in the activity will also be stopped.
  • A fragment can implement a behaviour that has no user interface component.
  • Fragments were added to the Android API in Honeycomb version of Android which API version 11.

Android Fragment

Fragment Life Cycle


Intents & Types

Explicit Intents

Android - User Interface

Android - Layout Types

Android - Layout Attributes

Android - UI Controls

- Notification Channel --- > Channel_ID + Channel_Name +  Channel_Description

- Notification Builder --- > 

- Notification Manager --- > 

- Create Function for Notification --- > DisplayNotification()

- Database Important Topics
- Web Services & JSON Data & Parsing
- Firebase Server
- Memory - Shered Preferences + API Storing Data +
- Flutter + Kotilan
- Why we Use OpenCV Library in Android Studio


Contents of Objective-C Course by Shah Hussain

- History + Registering + Xcode Installation + Object Create + Methods Creation + Class Methods + Instance methods + OB Data Types + Printing NSLog + Properties + Accessing Properties + Categories +  Array + Dictionary + IOS Files + ibAction & ibOutlet, ib Stands for Interface Builder + UI + 


IOS Apps Development History?

- Mobile Operating System Developed by Apple Inc + First release 2017 + Including iPad and iPhone Touch.  iPad first release 2010

Registering as an Apple Developer Account?

- Create Account & Fill the Account Register Form?

Xcode Installation & Interface Builder + Simulator?

- Interface & Implementation: these are very important to declare class

- Object Create OB:   MyClass * ObjectName = [[MyClass allocint];

- Methods Creation OB:   -(void)MethodName   

- Class Methods - Accessed without any objects, Variables, etc.

- Instance Methods: Can be accessed only after creating an object for a class. Memory Allocated to Instance Variable.  -(void)InstanceMethod

Important Data Type of Objective-C

- NSString + CGFloat + NSInteger + Bool

- Accessing Properties represents from dot ex self.myString =@"test";

- Array ----> NSMutableArray & NSArray Difference     Static & Dynamic

- Dictionary -----> NSMutableDictionary & NSDictionary 

- Node. JS for IOS & JavaScript + How to Upload Images or files to Node. JS + Creating Restful API with Node. JS + AFNetworking

IOS App Important Files 

1. AppDelegate.h ----> Inherits from UIResponder that handle IOS Events 

2. AppDelegate.m ----> No User-defined methods 

3. ViewController.h ----> Provide Fundamental View Management or Interface 

4. VIewController.m ----> Base class and implement Coding ----> ViewDidLoad 

5. ViewController.xib ------>  Design Interface

IOS Apps Development Contents of the Course

- Swift Basics + OOP Programming +  IOS Ecosystem + Controls + Methods + Strings + Outlets + Autolayout + Variables + Functions + Bug Fixes + Popups + 

- Notifications + Saving Data + User Interface + Score Tracking + App Store + Syling + Web Services Integrating + Database + Core Data + Frameworks + CoachTouch 

- CoachPods + Constants + AlertView + TableView + Custom TableView + Storyboard + Local & Global & Instance Varibales. 

- Clousers + Design Screens + Syles Labels * Images * Buttons * Sliders + Animations + Web View + Use Documentation of IOS Apps Development

- App Store + App Icons + Description + Libraries + Synthes + Firebase + Json Data

- Objective-C Developed 1980 + OB-C Popular through Apple to building IOS Operating System.

Q1: Interview Question: How do you Manage Memory in Objective-C?

Answer: Memory Allocation in Objective-C is done dynamically. Memory is Allocated during the runtime of any Program. For Allocating Memory in Objective-C, there are two ways. 

1. Manual Retain Release (MRR): In this type of memory management, memory is explicitly managed and all objects have kept a track of. It uses the reference counting model for keeping this track.

2 Automatic Reference Counting (ARC): Here they system capable of inserting an appropriate memory management method calls which are called the runtime.

Q2: What is Declared properties in Objective C?

Answer: Any Property which is to be used by declaring different instance variables by implementing the getter and setter methods which help to enforce encapsulation. There are three aspects to properties, Include the declaration, implementation, and access. Properties declared in any class, category and protocols. 

  • @propety(attributes......) type propertyname

  • It also has attributes which are optional.   1. Read-only: This property can only read and not written. 2. Read-Write: Enable reading and writing both. 3. Assign: Used in the implementation of any setter. 4. Retain: is sent to the property once it is assigned. 5. copy: retain this operation is also performed once the property is assigned.

  • Strong Simple defines ownership of the Object + Deallocation of the Object + Strong we use Parent of the Object. Increase Reference Count.
  • Retain is Use when we want to remove the previous value once new setter comes for the same object.
  • Atomic: is property is default in case of thread safety but can be overridden with nonatomic. An atomic attribute defines that, the property is thread safe and will always return a true value. Probability of a garbage value is very least.  Since its a thread-safe attribute so it takes a large time in execution than its competitor nonatomic.
  • NonAtomic: NonAtomic property is not thread safe and doesn’t guarantee a true result but it will always give a result. 

Q3: Is it possible to use ARC and Non-ARC doe together in a project?

Answer: Yes, a project can use both ARC and Non-ARC codes. When a project chooses Non-ARC codes then --fobj-arc compiler flag is set. This is ARC can be disabled for specific classes by using -fno-obc-arc. 

This entire process can be done by Xcode → Project→ Build Phase→ Compile Sources→ Double Click on the class and set the –fno-objc-arc.

Q4: What are the methods of using NSUL Connect?

Answer: A connection which received the response + A Connection which receives data + A connection which did finish on loading 

Q4: What is the protocol in Objective-C?

Answer: A Protocol is said to be a language feature which provides multiple inheritances in a language which has a single inheritance. Objective C mainly supports two protocols Formal Protocols are also known as Compiler Protocols and informal protocols also known as ad-hoc protocols. 

Q5: What is atomic and non-atomic in Objective C and which one is considered to be a default?

Answer: This method is used to specify the accessor methods which are atomic. The process which is being currently run is completed by the CPU before any other process accesses the variable. Non-Atomic is for the variables which are non-atomic. These are faster but no thread safe. 

Q6: Difference Between Storyboard & XIB

Q7: How to Create Attractive Interface Builder a Project?

Q8: What is MBProgressHUD & Cocoapods & cocoa touch? Library & Frameworks

Q9: Difference B/W Weak Outlet & Strong Outlet?

Q10: @Synthesize is the compiler will understand your property + Also generate getter and setter methods for your property.

Q11: What is the difference between Synchronous & Asynchronous Task?

Running Something on a Background Thread

- Answer: Synchronous waits until the task has completed Asynchronous: not waits

 ---> Key difference between synchronous and Synchronous, it implies that two things must occur at the same time, or alternatively, that one of them must wait until the other one catches up. Asynchronous, it means that the two things don't know or care when the other is happening.

Q12: What is made up of NSError Object?

AnswerThere are three parts of NSError object a domain, an error code, and user info dictionary. The domain is a string that identifies what categories of errors this error is coming from.

Q13: What is Enum or Enumerations?

Answer: Managing state, Enumerations define a finite number of states and can bundle associated values with each individual state, you can use them to model the state of your app and its internal processes.

Enum is a type that basically contains a group of related values in the same umbrella but case-less enum won't allow us to create an instance.

Q13: What is @synthesize in Objective-C?

AnswerSynthesize generates getter and setter methods for your property.

Swift Apps Development Contents of the Course

Day 1

Lecture 1 - Welcome to Swift & IOS 8 Apps in 31 Days

- Tutorial - Text Labels, Animations, Physics and Gestures 

- Tutorial - Troubleshooting Common Mistakes & Swift Q & A

Day 2

- Tutorial - Introduction - Xcode, UI Design, Auto Layout, and Code Playback

- Tutorial - Xcode Panels and Tabs

- Tutorial - Xcode App Flow 

- Tutorial - Get User Input with Text Fields

- Tutorial - Design the iPhone User Interface

- Tutorial - Connect the User Interface to Code 

- Tutorial - Parse Text String Input as Integer 

- Tutorial - Q&A - Common Problems and Video Downloads

- Tutorial - Code Exercise - Experiment with Double or Float Numbers

Day 3

- Tutorial - Xcode Debugger & Breakpoints, Playgrounds, And Feedback

- Tutorial - Add an Images to Playgrounds and UIVIew iPhone Screens

- Tutorial - Troubleshooting Playgrounds

Day 4

- Tutorial - Introduction to Variables and Types 

- Tutorial - var and let Keywords

- Tutorial - Strings and Characters

- Tutorial - Int and Double Numbers

- Tutorial - Create the Calculator User Interface (UI)

- Tutorial - Tip Math Logic & Funding Methods & Currency Number

Monday, May 13, 2019


Personal Study Divided Six Phase?

Group 1- Online Soft Teach + Voice of Future            7 to 10 AM

- Blogging  +  YouTube   + SEO   + Marketing

Group 2- Android & iPhone Apps Development         10 to 6 PM

- Designing Apps  +  Digital Marketing + Freelance + Fiverr + UpWork 

Group 3-   Graphics  & Animation  + Business             6 to 8 PM

- Photoshop + illustrator + InDesign + After Effects + Maya + Blender 3D

Group 4-   Web Development & Designing                   8 to 10 PM

- HTML + CSS + Javascript + PHP + JQuery + MySQL + Server + Wordpress 

Group 5-   2D & 3D Games Development                     10 to 11 PM

- Animation + Art + Physics + Networking + Game Play + Marketing + Assets Store

Group 6-   Book Written & Research                            11 to 12 PM


My Future Planning for S/W Software Company?

Skills Needed for Me?

1   Android & IOS Apps Development 

2   Web Development & Designing 

3   Graphics Designing 

4   SEO & Marketing   

5   Game Development 

6   Freelancer & Fiverr & UpWork -------- Knowing Business Tips  

7   Amazon & Blogging & YouTube         -----> Video Editing & Graphics Motions

8   Books Writer

My Future Plan Earning Money Online Ways?

- Need Money for Investment in a company       Under Construction

Make Teams of Developers                               Under Construction

- Make a Strong Portfolio of Skills                      Completed

Make Websites for Services & Expertise of the Team   Under Construction

- Create Bank Accounts                                               Completed

- Academy Courses Training                                       Completed

- Get Strong Traffics for Marketing                             Completed

- YouTube Channels                                                     Completed

- Earning Money from Blogging                                  Completed

- Create Own Website Earning Money                        Completed

- Udemy Courses Sell Online & Live Traning            Under Construction

- Sale AdSense Account                                              Under Construction

- Sale Business Ideas                                                   Under Construction

- Sale SEO Services                                                     Under Construction

- Write IT Books for Students                                      Completed

- Sell Marketing Tips & Social Media Traffic              Completed

- Play Store                                                                  Under Construction

- Assets Store                                                               Under Construction

- ITune Store                                                                 Under Construction

- Earning from Affiliate Marketing                                      Completed

- Earning from Freelancer Clients & Fiverr & UpWork       Completed

- Local Clients Earning                                                  Under Construction

- Domain & Hosting Earning Money                             Under Construction

- Government Projects Clients                                        Under Construction

- Make Partners & Outsources Projects                          Under Construction

- Sale Online Images on IStock                                       Under Construction

- Sale Graphics Online                                                     Under Construction

- Sale Games & Apps Online                                           Under Construction

- Sale WordPress Themes Online                                    Under Construction

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Most popular Google Play categories

- Education + Business + Entertainment + Music & Audio + LifeStyle + Tools + Books Reference + Pesonalization + Productivity + Health Fitness

Countries with the Highest Ratio fo Fund of Download IOS APP

- China + Canada + Brazil + India +United States + Australia + Russia + United Kindgom + Italy + Spain + Germany + Korea + Mexico + France + Other Countries 

Most Popluar Play Categories in 2015

- Games 53% + Social Network 46% + Music 42% + Entertainment 42% + Chat / Messaging 33% + Photo 33% + Maps 30% + Shopping 27% + News 27% + Books 25% + Bank / Financial Services 22% + Travel 21% + Sports 18% + TV Application 15% + Location Based Services 15% + Loyalty 12%  etc.

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Who I am?

Software Engg Shah Hussain Bangash represents Furthermore, where I will share advanced level technologies solutions. Shah Hussain basically belongs to District Hangu in Peshawar Pakistan. As a software engineer, I have worked on different technologies and platforms in software companies. First of all, my objective is to practice my knowledge to build my professional career by learning from experts. I developed many projects for Freelancer & UpWork clients. Hence various programming language, which I will explain below and write the project names.