Salaam! I am, Shah Hussain Bangash Represent Online Soft Teach Company while here I will share step-by-step coding programming languages. We Invite those students who want to learn programming languages then should join us of the following links. Thanks Contact Us: +923025593765 Email: .

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Android Apps Development Libraries & API

1. Volley Libray     

2. Gson Library

3. Retrofit Library

4. EventBus Library 

5. ActiveAndroid Library 

6. Universal Image Library 

7. Moshi Library 

8. Chuck Library 

9. Glide Library 

10. Room Library 

IOS Apps Development Libraries API  & Framework

1. AFNetworking Libary 

2. SDWebImage Libary 

3. Alamofire Library 

4. MBProgressHUD Library 

5. Masonry Libary 

6. SwifyJson

7. SVProgressHUD

8. MJRefresh

9. Realm

10. CocaLumberjack


Android & IOS Google Map Libraries 

1. Google Maps Driving Direction

2. Google Play Store ---> Application Details + Reviews

3. Google Place ----> addPlace + getImageURL + getNearByPlaces

4. GoogleBooks

5. Google Analytics   

6. GoogleAdmin

7. GoogleCalender 

8. GoogleCloudSpeech

9. GoogleCloudStorage 

10. GoogleCloudVision

11. GoogleDrive

12. GoogleMapsDistanceMatrix

13. GoogleNLP

14. GooglePlus

15. GoogleSafeBrowingAPI   

16. GoogleSheets

17. GoogleSlides

18. GoogleTasks

19. GoogleTimeZoneAPI

20. GoogleTranslater

21. GoogleURLShortner

Should Study about OKhttp libraries 

Recycling View .      News App


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Who I am?

Software Engg Shah Hussain Bangash represents Furthermore, where I will share advanced level technologies solutions. Shah Hussain basically belongs to District Hangu in Peshawar Pakistan. As a software engineer, I have worked on different technologies and platforms in software companies. First of all, my objective is to practice my knowledge to build my professional career by learning from experts. I developed many projects for Freelancer & UpWork clients. Hence various programming language, which I will explain below and write the project names.